How to convert HEIC to JPG format
We can easily convert HEIC extension to the most popular JPG (or other) format. To do this we can just use a good, old ImageMagick tool.
iPhone has a possibility to make HEIF/HEVC where our files have an heic
extension. Not every software can use it. Helpfully we can easily convert this format to the most popular JPG (or other) format. To do this we can just use a good, old ImageMagick tool.
To install ImageMagick on Mac just use brew package manager:
brew install imagemagick
and then use mogrify command, one of ImageMagick tools:
# convert particular file
mogrify -monitor -format jpg myFile.HEIC
# convert all files in current directory
mogrify -monitor -format jpg *.HEIC
There are many more options for mogrify
but in most cases, we just want to convert images, without any special manipulation.
In conclusion, converting HEIC files to the widely supported JPG format is a simple task with the help of ImageMagick. By installing the tool and utilizing the mogrify
command, you can easily convert images without any complex manipulation.